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Paragliding Wilderness First Aid

How and what we teach in a PG Wilderness First Aid

Paragliding Wilderness First Aid

Paragliding Specific

With unique injuries, hazards, and equipment; it is helpful to train specifically for paragliding/free flight concerns. While this training will obviously be applicable in all emergencies, disaster responses etc, we spend most of our time in scenarios that are PG oriented.

Paragliding Wilderness First Aid

Hands on and Realistic

Learning to do a hands on skill is best done...Hands on! Whether moving patients, applying tourniquets, or building splints, the only way to get good, is to practice the real thing. Tree landings, harness extraction, helmet removal and more. Our courses are hands on no matter the weather! Come join us, get dirty and competent.

Paragliding Wilderness First Aid


You will receive both a Wilderness First Aid and CPR certification from SOLO. This certification supersedes the standard first aid curriculum often required by employers. 

SOLO Wilderness Medicine
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I have been on the scene of three accidents in the last couple of years (Two serious PG and one moderate car), and I can't say enough about how attending these courses has changed my whole mental state about how to respond. --Brad


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